Feed Your Senior Dog – Chicken And Brown Rice Nutritional Supplement

If you are searching for the best senior dog food, BLUE buffalo senior dog food is one of the best options on the market. Formulated for your pet’s health and welfare, BLUE Senior Dog Food is designed with the latest natural ingredients. As the dietary needs for senior dogs vary greatly from other stage of life, BLUE Senior Dogs contains the latest ingredients to support their proper health and well being. With the right blend of protein, vitamins and minerals, BLUE Senior Dog Food is a nutrient-rich treat that is also very easy to digest.

Unlike many of the typical dog foods on the market – blue senior has a lower moisture content. This allows your dog to be more comfortable, as moisture can cause dry and unhealthy skin. It is also more easily digestible, which makes it an excellent choice for older dogs that tend to be picky eaters. The dry dog food has been designed with the BLUE Vitality Complex, a proprietary blend of natural ingredients such as: Milk Protein, Casein, Nuts and Milk. The blend helps to restore vital nutrients that are lost when a dog’s age.

BLUE buffalo senior dog food also features a special blend of premium ingredients like: Chicken Meal, Chicken broth, Chicken nuggets, Cottage cheese, brown rice, chicken fat, corn and rice. Blue Buffalo’s formula doesn’t use any grains, corn, or soy products, which helps to maintain the overall quality of the dog food. Many commercial brands use these grains and products, but they are not healthy for dogs. In addition, some of these grains and ingredients may increase the risk of gastrointestinal problems, so it is important to read the labels carefully. Blue buffalo chicken meal is free of BSE (Bordetella spp.)

As with all premium dog foods – the chicken meal is made from healthy, natural ingredients. The protein in the Blue Buffalo chicken meal is 18% higher than that in natural beef sources, which improves the nutrient profile. This results in a more balanced nutrition, with higher-quality proteins, vitamins, and minerals. For example, the vitamins include Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Thiamin, and Folic Acid. The minerals include magnesium, sulphur, zinc, copper, and manganese. And like all quality blue senior dog foods, the blue, senior dog food also contains Omega 3 fatty acids.

If you want to give your pet the best – there is no better ingredient than real meat to make their best food. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. To keep your pet healthy and happy, you have to make sure you provide them with a balanced diet. That’s why the Blue Buffalo senior dry dog, chicken and brown rice nutritional formula are the best.

You can choose any number of choices for your – Blue Buffalo senior dogs and pets. You can choose a variety of foods from the variety of choices, including dry dog food, whole grain dog foods, and premium kibble, and even some organic options. Whatever you choose, make sure you get your dog enough of the right nutrition to keep them happy and healthy for as long as they are alive. And that means choosing the best real meat first.

Choose quality products that provide the best for you and your family, and then consider adding a little blue life protection senior dry dog, chicken and brown rice supplement later.