What is the Best Way to Restrict the Development of Bacteria in Food?

What is the best way to limit the development of bacteria in food? For starters, don’t microwave any food that comes from the freezer or store bought foods. Food that comes from the freezer needs to be thawed a minimum of two minutes in the microwave or your frozen food will develop a bacterial growth known as thermo massage.

What’s more, you must not open packages of food: that have been stored in the refrigerator for more than three days. Once opened, food must be thawed at room temperature immediately. Obviously, this isn’t a good way to limit the development of bacteria because the longer the bacteria has been exposed to warm temperatures, the more likely it is that it will develop into something harmful.

How can you combat this problem? The best way to limit the development of bacteria in food to one percent is to thaw and cook the food immediately upon opening. Ideally, the food should be cooked to internal temperatures or just below it. Thawing it beforehand causes bacteria to develop in a controlled environment, therefore making it harder to control its growth. This also makes it easier to remove the bacteria before it develops into a harmful substance.

One thing you may want to remember: when thawing food is never to leave it in the microwave for more than ten seconds. If you must leave it in for an extended period, cover the container with a plastic lid or other sort of protective container. Leave the food in the dishwasher for a minute or so first, then empty the water out and rinse the dishwasher. Do not place this food in your oven or on a stove top for any length of time. This can cause bacteria to build up which can eventually cause illness.

The next thing you can do is make sure your hands are clean before you start eating: Using your bare hands to touch or handle food can transmit bacteria from one person to another. Make sure you wash your hands every time you handle food after using it. Don’t touch raw food and don’t use plastic gloves if you must. These tips will help you to avoid what is known as cross-contamination which can come from touching one person’s food and then getting sick.

So, now you have some ideas: about what is the best way to limit the bacteria in the food you consume. If you take these precautions, you will have a much better chance of enjoying a healthy and balanced meal. Of course, it is not necessary to follow all of these tips.

Sometimes it will be necessary to seek out other ways to keep your food from being contaminated.